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Marketing has evolved over the past few decades from isolated and siloed analogue channels to a number of interconnected digital and data-driven platforms and touch-points that aid in customer understanding, connection, and nurturing through the sales and marketing funnel with personalized messaging at pertinent touch-points. Today, digital marketing has become a key driving force behind many businesses' marketing strategy and is increasingly being augmented by AI, which we previously touched on in the scope of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital marketing.

AI may be used in marketing in a variety of ways, as was previously discussed, such as recommendation systems that offer curated recommendations based on a customer's past search and purchase behavior or similarity to other customers, or predictive analytics which can be used to anticipate actions such as purchase or churn likelihood, to help marketers improve the customer experience, retain customers and secure sales. These applications present exciting opportunities for marketers but prospective adopters must be mindful of not only the pros but also how to manage the cons.

Ai in Digital Marketing

Pros of AI in marketing

1. Optimize your target market segmentation and customer relevance

A well-defined target market is critical to a company's marketing strategy and the tactics used to connect, introduce, persuade and convert audiences into customers. Marketers can collect rich data from primary, secondary, and third-party sources (CRMs, sales performance, social marketing platforms, website analytics, etc.) and combine it with artificial intelligence to develop a more comprehensive target audience. You can create a big picture. Identify your audience, behavior changes over time and, through customized marketing strategies, inform how your business is constantly evolving and responding to emerging needs. This improves the customer journey, demonstrates the company's understanding of the customer at various touchpoints, and paves the way for customer engagement and retention.

2. Anticipate customer churn and take preventative measures

Customer churn is when a customer loses interest and leaves a company or product. As the saying goes, getting new customers is much harder than keeping existing ones. In fact, it can cost him 25x to 25x to acquire a new customer, depending on your industry and the articles you read. Given such staggering numbers, it makes sense to do whatever it takes to retain these existing high-value customers, if possible. The challenge for marketers is that it's not always easy to identify events that indicate a customer is likely to churn, and they don't know how to prevent it or react when it happens. Fortunately, AI is great at identifying patterns and trends in massive datasets, helping marketers understand root causes and set red flags to re-engage and retain churn customers. Helps motivate preventive measures to 3. Optimizing and personalizing the user experience

Gone are the days when one-size-fits-all was the right approach to marketing touchpoints. When customers interact with your brand, website, product or service, they expect their interaction to be personalized and tailored to their profile, needs, interests and preferences. Platforms like Amazon, Netflix, and YouTube have done this very well because they understood early on that personalization would lead to more engagement and sales, and would become an enduring part of customer habits. increase.

Artificial intelligence, especially recommendation engines, is the driving force behind this “hyper-personalization,” making it possible to meet the needs and preferences of individual users at a scale and quality not possible with manual or rule-based methods. increase. This technique works by identifying patterns within individual user behavior and across customers and product groups. 

3. Streamline and personalize the user experience

Gone are the days when one size fits all was the right approach for marketing touchpoints. When customers interact with a brand, website, product or service, they expect the interaction to be personalized and tailored to their profile, needs, interests, and preferences. Platforms like Amazon, Netflix, and YouTube do this brilliantly because they understood early on that personalization means increased engagement, sales, and integration into customer habits.

Artificial intelligence and recommendation engines in particular are driving this process of "hyper-personalization" and helping to meet individual user needs and preferences at a scale and quality that would otherwise be possible through Manual techniques or rule-based methods would not be possible. This technique works by identifying patterns in individual user behavior and across customer and product groups to deliver a personalized user experience, whether for a movie title, product certain changes, change the UI/UX of the website or even the ads used in digital advertising. .

While AI applications in marketing bring many benefits to businesses and consumers, there are still some concerns that need to be recognized and addressed. Here are some considerations when using AI in marketing.

Disadvantages of AI in Marketing

1. The Social Dilemma

Taken from the documentary of the same name, the first thing to consider is that "echo chambers" can be created by intelligent systems that attack us with content, messages and even fake news. distort people's view of reality by not exposing us to different ideas. , values ​​and opinions. This is particularly evident on platforms like Facebook and YouTube, where people have been crammed with conspiracy theories by loads of content that reinforces a particular view of the world.

2. Privacy hinders innovation

Another crucial element that cannot be overlooked is security. Users have the right to know what the company knows about them, where and how their data is used, and how to monetize it. While there are measures in place to allow consumers to protect their data online, most current regulatory frameworks, such as the UK's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the European Union Europe, focusing on personal data such as name, contact details, date of birth and address. . Whether it goes far enough is a matter of opinion and the laws are constantly being revised, but data privacy affects how and how effective AI is for marketers. Balancing customer and business needs is not an easy task, as both under-regulation and over-regulation harm business, customers, and AI innovation.

3. What is the real power of the consumer?

Which leads to our final challenge:

user control issues during the development of the recommendations to which they are exposed. Recommendations can add significant value and help create a smooth experience when they work, but are frustrating when they don't. You may have been in a situation where you searched for a service or product that interested you for a moment, or were just curious, or even signed up for a newsletter or downloaded an app, before deciding that you don't care about it.

Then, for the next two weeks, you'll be constantly bombarded with non-skippable ads and ads that are no longer relevant. While you can sometimes say that an ad is irrelevant, in the end it's not up to the user to take full action or shape how the AI ​​learns and makes recommendations: That power belongs to the foundations. This can create a negative and unpleasant user experience, and in some cases even reinforce trauma.


As with any technology, there will always be pros and cons. AI is no different. The challenge for marketers is to balance them and act transparently and honestly, communicating value to users and making it clear that the benefits outweigh the costs. Over the next few years, we will see a dramatic increase in the adoption of AI in marketing and other industries. The companies that find this balance will be the ones that reap real benefits for themselves and their customers.

Want to know how Finessse can improve AI marketing? Contact us Finessse Interactive


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