SEO 2020: Do’s and Don’ts

There are millions of websites being launched every year and SEO is an important tool in making those websites rank on Google. SEO strategies are very important as websites should be in sync with the terms of Google searches. Knowing SEO trends is integral to formulate a strategy for content marketing and investments in the SEO domain. Good content and fast loading times will still remain relevant. It is well-known that even a one second delay in loading a web page can cause the viewer to leave the page and cost you money.

Influencer marketing can be harnessed for results

Influencer marketing is perhaps the most important trend of SEO 2020. Viewers are irritated by intrusive advertisements but take kindly to authentic reviews from influencers. Influencers are people with a large number of followers in the social media space. They are respected and trusted. Influencer marketing has seen a tremendous surge in the last couple of years and will continue to rule the roost. They not only improve brand awareness but also improve SEO rankings.

Featured Snippets drive SEO

Featured Snippets are normally positioned as the position 0 and can direct traffic to your website. It is a must that you answer common queries posted on your website. More than 54% clicks from Google are derived from Featured Snippets, so this trend needs to be taken seriously in 2020. This feature generates organic traffic and optimizes the Search engines.

 Voice searches are the next big trend

The popularity of smartphones has triggered a new way to optimize searches. Most mobile users use the voice search feature along with users of Home voice assistants like Echo, Voice pod, and so on. If your website has been optimized for voice searches and conversational searches are an integral part of your SEO strategy your job becomes easier. It is estimated that more than half of all internet searches will be done by voice. So, adopting this strategy will bode well in the coming year.

Video searches will dominate SEO strategy

Video searches will perhaps be even bigger as a SEO strategy than voice searches also. This genre has seen an exponential rise and nearly 60% people prefer to watch a video than read. This could be for entertainment or knowledge. You need to add appropriate keywords in the heading and description of the video to make it gain reach. The content needs to be optimized for the search option users. The video has exploded on the SEO strategy scenario and is now here to stay.

Content will still remain king in 2020

No trend can beat the fact that high quality and relevant content will never lose its importance. It was and will remain the best strategy for SEO 2020. Google awards higher rankings to websites with relevant, keyword rich and timely content. Content has to be easily read and understood and follow a logical structure to make a difference. The trick is to deliver content that is educational but an easy read with audio-visual cues built in to make it more relevant.

Don’ts of SEO 2020

Do not compromise on User safety

Secure websites are a must. A “not secure” warning may make the reader leave the page immediately and cost you millions. High bounce rates can be bad for your organic search listing. A HTTPS protocol can ensure an encrypted and safe connection. You should make your site secure to be ranked by Google.

Use these simple strategies and make your SEO strategy effective in 2020.

About the Author

Amit Mathur is a digital marketer and an associate at FinessseInteractive – an SEO agency based in India. When he is not working, he loves to write blogs, spend time with pets and read novels. 


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